Hokkai at Home: Ebi Gyoza

Product used in this recipe
Home cook Naomi (38) from Zwolle used our Pink Shrimps to make gyoza. You can fill these Japanese dumplings with all kinds of ingredients, as long as you cut everything finely to give it a creamy texture. Naomi mixed the prawns with different vegetables, sesame oil and soy sauce and filled the dumplings with this mixture. So tasty!Preparation
- Thaw the prawns and the gyoza sheets in cold water.
- Cook the rice.
- Peel the prawns, remove the heads and the intestines. The best way to do this is to make a small cut in the back and pull out the intestines with a knife.
- Chop the shrimps until they have a creamy texture.
- Cut the Chinese cabbage, pointed cabbage and spring onion into small pieces.
- Mix the vegetables, grated ginger and grated garlic in a mixing bowl.
- Add the soy sauce and sesame oil to the mixture.
- Knead everything well.
- Take a gyoza sheet in one hand and place a teaspoon of the shrimp filling in the middle. Dip the index finger of your other hand into a bowl of water and moisten the top edge of the gyoza sheet slightly. Fold the gyoza and close it.
- In the meantime, boil water in a kettle.
- Place the gyoza’s in a frying pan. Make sure that they do not touch each other.
- Fill the frying pan with boiling water until the gyoza’s are just under half full. Set the heat to medium-high and close the pan with a lid.
- Wait until the water has evaporated. This takes about 5 minutes on medium-high heat. Then add a generous splash of sesame oil and rotate the pan so that the sesame oil is spread all over.
- Fry the gyoza’s until the bottom is golden brown.
- Serve with soy sauce and rice and enjoy!