Chef’s Recipe: Black cod with grilled vegetables

Product used in this recipe
- Thaw the Gindara Saikyozuke in cold water for half an hour.
- Cook the rice according to Chef Ohtawara's instructions, which can be viewed in this Hokkai Tutorial . Leave the rice in a pan so that it’s still a little warm when you start eating.
- Put the potatoes in a pan with 1 liter of cold water and 10 grams of salt. Put the flame on high to get it all boiling. Lower the heat as soon as the water boils.
- Leave the potatoes in the water for another 10 minutes.
- Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180 ℃.
- Dice the zucchini, peppers and asparagus broccoli.
- Fry the vegetables and potatoes with a little salt and garlic oil for 2 minutes on medium heat.
- Put the zucchini, peppers and potatoes in an oven dish and place it in the oven for 10 minutes.
- Place the black cod fillets and the asparagus broccoli on top of the vegetables.
- Leave the whole thing in the oven for another 10 minutes at 240 ℃.
- Serve one fish fillet with some vegetables for each person. Finish off with a timbale of rice next to it.